KenKen Championship in Ningbo
China is to run its first junior KenKen Championship on 20 August 2022 at the local Cheese Park in Ningbo City, China’s Zhejiang Province.
Jointly organised by Ningbo 3C Sudoku with other two local partners, this pilot championship is designed for children under 16 who have finished several training sessions. Some prizes will be awarded to top three winners.
“But children from other cities are welcome for the championship,” said a spokesman from Ningbo 3C Sudoku which is the KenKen China appointed training centre in the Province.
Robert Fuhrer announced the top three junior winners in 2019 Championship From the left to right is the gold medal winner, silver medal winner and the bronze winner.
“I wish we could organise our world championship one day in China,” said Mr Robert Fuhrer, the Creator of KenKen sports and Chairman of KenKen International Federation.
“I have organised 10 KenKen World Championship in New York. Although KenKen championships are held in many other parts of the world, I feel that Chinese children are trained in a special way. In 2019, they only sent three children to attend our Championship, but they all in the top four for under 16 group,” said Mr Fuhrer.
There will be only two rounds of contests with puzzles arranged from 5X5 to 8X8.
首次“肯肯数谜数独”专项的比赛将於 2022 年 8 月 20 日将在宁波芝士公 园举行。
此次比赛是由“肯肯中国”的培训合作伙伴“宁波 3C 数独”与当地有关 机构一起举行的公益型赛事。这是自从 2018 年“肯肯数独”引进中国以 来第一次由爱好者举行的赛事。
世界肯肯运动创造者 Robert Fuhrer 与少年组前三名合影。 中间的和右边的小朋友是中国上海的赛手分别获得银牌和铜牌。
“我非常希望有机会在中国举行一次世界锦标赛,”肯肯运动的创世者、 肯肯国际联合会的主席罗伯特福尔若先生听到此消息后很高兴地说道。
“ 我已经在紐約组织过十次正式世界锦标赛。虽然我们的肯肯印度、肯肯 迪拜也经常举行此类赛事,但我总是觉得中国的孩子非常独特地聪明。 2019 年,他们只来了一个儿童组,三个人居然进入了前四名。再看看近 几年的国际数独赛事,那些中国年轻人不仅优秀,而且新人不断。”
宁波芝士公园的比赛将分两轮进行,使用的赛题是 5X5、6X6、7X7 和 8X8 四种题型。